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As a legendary Russian singer, Vladimir Vysotskiy, was singing (in my translation): “Better than mountains can be only mountains you haven’t visited yet”and I can not agree on that more. I can add though:

“Better than mountains can be only mountains under the starry night.”


I was born and grew up in Tbilisi, Georgia, in post-soviet era, when despite of insane beauty of Caucasus mountains, recreational mountain activities were not very popular. It was only when I moved to Switzerland at the age of 22, I have immersed myself into mountain environment on a regular weekend basis, while being a master student, then a PhD researcher, and finally software engineer during the weekdays.

I find photography a bit similar to computer science. You have limited time and you need to find an optimal solution for the perfect composition/timing/camera parameters and etc. I think what drives me in photography is the desire to take those perfect images, and mountain environment is so diverse, and unpredictable, it makes the above-mentioned photo-taking optimisation problem way more interesting for me.

My photography and love for the mountains have taken me to different mountain ranges, including Patagonia, Peruvian Andes, Canadian Rockies, Nepalese Himalayas, Dolomites, Georgian Caucasus and of course the Alps. I have been on the top of Mt. Blanc and few other 4000m+ mountains in the Alps, while my highest reached altitude point is around 5650m (in Peru).